Original TOW. 

Jared Rodriguez ENGLISH.1301.18 Prof. Reyna 
Theory of writingAs a student who has never been allowed to use, or have ever allowed myself to try anything with artificial intelligence, when I heard that colleges such as MIT allow students and teachers to use generative ai for students to use to teach themselves, and teachers to use for teaching, I was curious how this helps students learn, specifically how it can be used in a way to not give answers.When I was in high school, more specifically in my last 3 years of high school, we startedgetting announcements, and public service announcements about the use of “chatGpt”, and artificial intelligence, and how no one should be using it or ever touching it, we would be told consistently how articulate intelligence would ruin our brains, or not teach us at all, but when I had seen MIT, or people teaching how to use artificial intelligence itself to students, and how artificial intelligence had helped with library resources, I was stunned, it led me to many questions on why schools don’t allow it, but some colleges do the opposite, and courage it.My sources for my theory of writing have changed my thoughts by opening me to more questions, and some answers on how generative artificial intelligence is used, and how it can be negative. My experience thinking artificial intelligence was horrible for everyone was changed when I saw teachers using it, and endorsing it, my question is how could generative intelligence be looked on better, instead of it just giving answers, is there a way we can make it so it doesn’t just give answers outright, and give guidance?

Before, and after.

Jared Rodriguez Prof. Reyna
Revision statements Before revision As a student who has never been allowed to use, or have ever allowed myself to try anything with artificial intelligence, when I heard that colleges such as MIT allow students and teachers to use generative ai for students to use to teach themselves, and teachers to use for teaching, I was curious how this helps students learn, specifically how it can be used in a way to not give answers. After revision As a student who has always been warned about the idea of using artificial intelligence, consistently being told by my peers, and lecturers, that all artificial intelligence is used for in high school is cheating on exams, or giving students the answers to questions without actually being taught anything. I started to wonder how colleges like MiT use artificial intelligence, specially with the way they have uploaded videos regarding the way they use it to teach students, and the way Harvard allows students to teach themselves using ‘ChatGpt'. Seeing all of these colleges, and lecturers use these software to aid students made me wonder how artificial intelligence could be useful to students in ways where the artificial intelligence won't give a direct answer to a question, but help the student by guiding them. Before revision When I was in high school, more specifically in my last 3 years of high school, we started getting announcements, and public service announcements about the use of “chatGpt”, and artificial intelligence, and how no one should be using it or ever touching it, we would be told consistently how articulate intelligence would ruin our brains, or not teach us at all, but when I had seen MIT, or people teaching how to use artificial intelligence itself to students, and how artificial intelligence had helped with library resources, I was stunned, it led me to many questions on why schools don’t allow it, but some colleges do the opposite, and courage it. After revision When I was in my last three years of High-school, we had started receiving announcements regarding the more frequent use of software like ‘ChatGpt', and others like it, along with public announcements saying that ‘The use of these sorts of software will get you in trouble, and no colleges utilize these sort of software'. We would consistently be told how artificial intelligence would teach us to have an easy way of cheating, by just using it to obtain answers, and not properly learn the work being cheated. When I had learned the colleges such as MiT, Harvard, and other's, I was shocked, the lie's I had been fed of how ‘evil' artificial intelligence could be, was gone, the way that professors, and students can use artificial intelligence amazed me, it showed me that in a way students of higher education could be taught how to teach themselves how to use ai in a way that could guide said students instead of fully allowing them to cheat. This stunning reality that I had come to learn left me with many questions, some with answers, but most left a mystery due to the way that it was still early of it's release. Before revision My sources for my theory of writing have changed my thoughts by opening me to more questions, and some answers on how generative artificial intelligence is used, and how it can be negative. My experience thinking artificial intelligence was horrible for everyone was changed when I saw teachers using it, and endorsing it, my question is how could generative intelligence be looked on better, instead of it just giving answers, is there a way we can make it so it doesn’t just give answers outright, and give guidance? After revision Throughout my research, finding sources related to my theory of writing essay, I've had many thoughts come to mind, and I've had many prior thoughts change, a lot of my sources have led me to more questions, some questions which I still have yet an answer too. I've had many questions regarding the way artificial intelligence is used to teach students, and others. My experience regarding the matter that artificial intelligence was horrible, specially for it’s users, since I presumed all it was used for was to cheat, this changed when my sources like the videos, and articles from MiT, and Harvard had shown me teachers, and students using it in a way where it teaches them instead, it showed them endorsing the use of it, instead of opposing it. My general question is how can we make AI give more guidance instead of only giving answers to use to cheat. I question if theres a way to code the software to help teach students.

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